Free Health Assessment

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Health or Disease

Are You Health Focused or Disease Focused?

There are two kinds of people – those who are focused on health and those who are focused on disease. Their approaches to life are very different.

Disease focused people believe strongly in the Disease Management System usually misnamed the Health Care system). They take little or no care of their health and refuse to consider how their lifestyle and environment erode their health. They wait until their health has become compromised or severely affected before they decide to take action. When this happens (usually by heart attack, stroke, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, asthma or any other severe disease) they run for help expecting the doctors and the regime of medications to pull them from the brink of disaster. They are unwilling to spend any money to maintain their health but they will spend every cent they have and borrow more to try to salvage their health after it is lost. They will spend more to maintain their lawnmowers than they will to prevent breakdown of their own bodies.

Health focused people are just the opposite. They accept the fact that they will experience disease in their life but they take measures to prevent the early onset of disease. They take measures to maintain their health; to delay as long as possible the necessity of succumbing to medical treatment and overpriced medical equipment and medications. They are willing to learn about the way different foods affect them, the effect of pollution on them and the means of protecting themselves to the greatest extent possible. They are concerned that their children have the best possible springboard into a healthy lifestyle. They acknowledge that they cannot protect their children from all unhealthy activities and so they take as many preventative measures as possible to ensure their children are protected. Health focused people are willing to spend a reasonable amount to ensure that they get the best nutrition possible for themselves and their family.

Whereas Disease Focused People are reactive, Health Focused People are proactive.

Disease Focused People will often say they have no time nor money for exercise or nutrition. By taking that stance they are reserving their time and money for their diseases that will surely come.