Free Health Assessment

Monday, May 19, 2008

The $2.36 Solution

Sixty-six dollars. That’s right - $66 Canadian Dollars for a complete science based nutritional supplement that will optimize your health.

How does that line strike you? Another marketing ploy? Garbage? That was my initial reaction. But I chose to look deeper to see if the claim had any validity. It is because I have always been somewhat health conscious and because I work in the Sickness Industry that I chose to get the facts to allow me to decide.

Do you think that is too much to spend on your health? $66 for a 28 day supply. Do the math - $2.36 per day. Is that too much to spend to keep you healthy? (In the U.S. the price is cheaper and I have not converted for other countries.)

What if that $2.36 per day gave you more energy? What if it led you to weight loss? What if that $2.36 per day helped with your asthma or other chronic disease? Would it still be too much money to spend on yourself

What if the $2.36 per day produced no noticeable effects but protected your body from the start of diseases? Would it be too much to spend?

How much do we spend on maintaining our cars? Oh, but they break down and cost more money if we don’t maintain them. Guess what – so do we. When is the last time you checked the cost of medications, surgeries, lost time from work, lost time with your family?

The sad thing is that people will spend more money and time maintaining their cars, their boats or even their lawnmowers then they will spend to protect their own health. Why? Are you not worth keeping healthy? Do you not like a lifestyle that is disease free? Is sludge in your arteries OK but not OK in your car’s oil system?

There are people who need their sickness as an attention grabber and as their identity? These people believe that they need to be sick. They are wrong – but that is what they believe. Listen to their conversations. They talk about their doctor, their specialist, their medications, their aches and pains, their medical appointments that are coming up, their surgeries, their trips to the hospital – everything revolves around their sickness. Their day is organized to accommodate their sickness. What would they do if they weren’t sick? What would they talk about? These people will never spend $2.36 per day on their health because they have a sickness mentality.

There are people who live life according to the medical model –“I will do whatever I wish to do and when I get into trouble I’ll go to the doctor and he will fix me up with drugs”. The medical profession and the pharmaceutical companies love this person because she is their bread and butter. This is the person their business thrives on. This person doesn't realize that the chronic diseases that will set in as a result of her lifestyle cannot be cured by the doctor. Symptoms may covered by expensive drugs for a while but the diseases will remain. This person may decide to spend $2.36 per day on her health. If so, she is one of the fortunate ones. At least most of these people will give it some thought.

The third category of people like their life and their health. They love themselves and their family. They do as much as the can to stay away from the sickness industry. Because they like themselves they will protect their health They will pay the $2.36 per day to optimize their health protection and will investigate health products to see if they can benefit from them.

There are 2 questions to ask:
1) If the statement is true, would I be willing to spend $2.36 per day on my health, and
2) Am I willing to look at the facts to determine if the statement is true?

In other words, am I worth it? Am I worth spending a little time to look at the information – the medical and scientific studies – to see that I need the products. If I look into the products and find that they are the best, am I worth spending the price of a cup of coffee each day to stay healthy? Only you can decide that. And you will reap the benefits of that decision. That decision is the $2.36 solution.

The Solution

Ray Strand, MD says:
"The medical and scientific literature has shown us beyond a shadow of a doubt that the root cause of over 70 chronic degenerative diseases is the result of oxidative stress from excessive free radicals. These are diseases like heart disease, diabetes, strokes, cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, macular degeneration, and the list goes on and on. These diseases concern us, and we would certainly like to avoid them. You will learn why taking nutritional supplements (The Solution) gives you the best opportunity to prevent or delay these diseases."