Free Health Assessment

Monday, May 19, 2008

The $2.36 Solution

Sixty-six dollars. That’s right - $66 Canadian Dollars for a complete science based nutritional supplement that will optimize your health.

How does that line strike you? Another marketing ploy? Garbage? That was my initial reaction. But I chose to look deeper to see if the claim had any validity. It is because I have always been somewhat health conscious and because I work in the Sickness Industry that I chose to get the facts to allow me to decide.

Do you think that is too much to spend on your health? $66 for a 28 day supply. Do the math - $2.36 per day. Is that too much to spend to keep you healthy? (In the U.S. the price is cheaper and I have not converted for other countries.)

What if that $2.36 per day gave you more energy? What if it led you to weight loss? What if that $2.36 per day helped with your asthma or other chronic disease? Would it still be too much money to spend on yourself

What if the $2.36 per day produced no noticeable effects but protected your body from the start of diseases? Would it be too much to spend?

How much do we spend on maintaining our cars? Oh, but they break down and cost more money if we don’t maintain them. Guess what – so do we. When is the last time you checked the cost of medications, surgeries, lost time from work, lost time with your family?

The sad thing is that people will spend more money and time maintaining their cars, their boats or even their lawnmowers then they will spend to protect their own health. Why? Are you not worth keeping healthy? Do you not like a lifestyle that is disease free? Is sludge in your arteries OK but not OK in your car’s oil system?

There are people who need their sickness as an attention grabber and as their identity? These people believe that they need to be sick. They are wrong – but that is what they believe. Listen to their conversations. They talk about their doctor, their specialist, their medications, their aches and pains, their medical appointments that are coming up, their surgeries, their trips to the hospital – everything revolves around their sickness. Their day is organized to accommodate their sickness. What would they do if they weren’t sick? What would they talk about? These people will never spend $2.36 per day on their health because they have a sickness mentality.

There are people who live life according to the medical model –“I will do whatever I wish to do and when I get into trouble I’ll go to the doctor and he will fix me up with drugs”. The medical profession and the pharmaceutical companies love this person because she is their bread and butter. This is the person their business thrives on. This person doesn't realize that the chronic diseases that will set in as a result of her lifestyle cannot be cured by the doctor. Symptoms may covered by expensive drugs for a while but the diseases will remain. This person may decide to spend $2.36 per day on her health. If so, she is one of the fortunate ones. At least most of these people will give it some thought.

The third category of people like their life and their health. They love themselves and their family. They do as much as the can to stay away from the sickness industry. Because they like themselves they will protect their health They will pay the $2.36 per day to optimize their health protection and will investigate health products to see if they can benefit from them.

There are 2 questions to ask:
1) If the statement is true, would I be willing to spend $2.36 per day on my health, and
2) Am I willing to look at the facts to determine if the statement is true?

In other words, am I worth it? Am I worth spending a little time to look at the information – the medical and scientific studies – to see that I need the products. If I look into the products and find that they are the best, am I worth spending the price of a cup of coffee each day to stay healthy? Only you can decide that. And you will reap the benefits of that decision. That decision is the $2.36 solution.

The Solution

Ray Strand, MD says:
"The medical and scientific literature has shown us beyond a shadow of a doubt that the root cause of over 70 chronic degenerative diseases is the result of oxidative stress from excessive free radicals. These are diseases like heart disease, diabetes, strokes, cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, macular degeneration, and the list goes on and on. These diseases concern us, and we would certainly like to avoid them. You will learn why taking nutritional supplements (The Solution) gives you the best opportunity to prevent or delay these diseases."

Monday, February 25, 2008

Having Blinders Can Lead to Stroke

When I was a teenager I spent a lot of time in the woods with my father. He would cut wood (logs, firewood, cedar) and I would haul it out with the horse (sled, wagon, yarding chains – whatever fit the situation). Sometimes we would put blinders on the horse so that she would not be distracted by things on either side of her. She would only be able to see straight ahead as if in a tunnel.

Today I was discussing the tunnel vision often seen in health care personnel with a Health (sic) Care Manager. I used the horse story in my discussion. The only difference is that the blinders used on the horses were leather. Our blinders are the propaganda fed to us, to the doctors and to the medical staff by the big drug companies.

Doctors know little about health but they know a lot about disease and drugs. Drug companies know a lot about making drugs and making money. Doctors know about the research regarding particular diseases and specific drugs. But most of them don't know much the research on maintaining good health. How many know about the research article shown below?

Have you ever seen a nurse leave the Chemotherapy ward to have a smoke? I have! Have you ever stood at a hospital window watching a doctor smoke outside as 5 other professionals sat in a room waiting for him to begin rounds? I have! Have you ever looked at the greasy and sugar laden lunches some medical staff eat after working the morning with stroke and heart attack patients? I have! And I find it all very hard to swallow. What makes it so difficult for us to learn from our surroundings and our life experiences? What makes it so difficult for us to learn from other people's mistakes? What makes it so difficult for us to accept the secientific and medical research that is not drug related?

Do we think we are invulnerable or do we just buy into the philosophy of “When I get sick I’ll go to the doctor to get drugs and hope I can get better”? We can do a lot to keep our health – but we need to do it. We need to stop being reactive. We need to stop waiting for the disease and then hoping we can get some drugs to take the disease away?

I just read an article on diabetes. Nowhere in that article was the prevention of diabetes discussed – it was all about cures. Why? Does it have anything to do with so called cures (ie medications) being a billion dollar income source for the drug companies? Prevention does not pay in the same fashion.

Maybe we should just be born sick and never know what it means to be healthy. Why is our health not important to us?

Am I cynical? Maybe I have just seen too much? I like my health! Doctors and statisticians (and life insurance companies) talk about lifespan. Maybe we should be talking about health span. How enjoyable is it to have a long life if you do not have your health as well?

If we don’t take the time to protect our health now, we are saving that time for our diseases.

In a British study of over 20,000 adults, those with the highest plasma vitamin C levels had a significantly lower risk of stroke when compared to adults with lower levels.

Higher plasma vitamin C concentrations predict lower risk of stroke in adults

To date, clinical trials have not shown significant benefit of vitamin C supplementation in reducing stroke risk, but they have not examined the relation between plasma vitamin C concentrations and stroke risk in a general population.

A recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition examined the relation between baseline plasma vitamin C concentrations and risk of incident stroke in a British population of over 20,000 adult men and women. The participants completed a health questionnaire and attended a clinic during 1993"1997. After an average follow-up time of 9.5 years, the participants in the top fourth of plasma vitamin C levels had a 42% lower risk of stroke compared to those with the lowest levels. These results were independent of age, sex, smoking, BMI, blood pressure, cholesterol, physical activity, diabetes, social class, alcohol consumption, and any supplement use.

Plasma vitamin C concentrations, therefore, may act as an indicator of lifestyle or other factors associated with reduced stroke risk and may be helpful in determining those at high risk of stroke.

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 87, No. 1, 64-69, January 2008

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Health or Disease

Are You Health Focused or Disease Focused?

There are two kinds of people – those who are focused on health and those who are focused on disease. Their approaches to life are very different.

Disease focused people believe strongly in the Disease Management System usually misnamed the Health Care system). They take little or no care of their health and refuse to consider how their lifestyle and environment erode their health. They wait until their health has become compromised or severely affected before they decide to take action. When this happens (usually by heart attack, stroke, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, asthma or any other severe disease) they run for help expecting the doctors and the regime of medications to pull them from the brink of disaster. They are unwilling to spend any money to maintain their health but they will spend every cent they have and borrow more to try to salvage their health after it is lost. They will spend more to maintain their lawnmowers than they will to prevent breakdown of their own bodies.

Health focused people are just the opposite. They accept the fact that they will experience disease in their life but they take measures to prevent the early onset of disease. They take measures to maintain their health; to delay as long as possible the necessity of succumbing to medical treatment and overpriced medical equipment and medications. They are willing to learn about the way different foods affect them, the effect of pollution on them and the means of protecting themselves to the greatest extent possible. They are concerned that their children have the best possible springboard into a healthy lifestyle. They acknowledge that they cannot protect their children from all unhealthy activities and so they take as many preventative measures as possible to ensure their children are protected. Health focused people are willing to spend a reasonable amount to ensure that they get the best nutrition possible for themselves and their family.

Whereas Disease Focused People are reactive, Health Focused People are proactive.

Disease Focused People will often say they have no time nor money for exercise or nutrition. By taking that stance they are reserving their time and money for their diseases that will surely come.